I have a new little project I'm working on and it has to do with being Inspired! I asked myself this morning what inspires me? So many things came to mind...actually so many people came to mind. I love reading books and articles about other female entrepreneurs or anyone who has followed their passion and found the happiness they were seeking. I also love nature, fabrics, fashion and food! But when it really comes down to it, what inspires me most are my children. I am in daily awe of my three daughters and all their talents. Yesterday I received a phone call that a lovely customer of mine wanted to purchase my Cupcake Pillow I had in my window last week. I was so flattered and went home and told my two little ones because basically it was their designs that Inspired me to make the pillow. When working on my fabric designs I asked them to draw some cupcakes. Raquel (10) and Chyna (8) are always up to the challenge. When presented with their drawings I thought that was just too cute not to turn into a pillow. I promptly went to my studio, pulled out my scraps, and went to work. What resulted was this Cupcake Pillow. I showed it to my girls and their friends when it was completed and there was quite an enthusiastic response...much to my delight! Thank you Rocky and Chi for your Inspiration! If you would like a Free pdf of this Pattern just click here! Happy creating!